With our best wishes to our friends, clients and colleagues for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. [video width="1080" height="1080"...
Ebola Update – 8 April 2014
In Guinea, the Ebola epidemic has now spread to Conakry where a total of 15 cases and four deaths were reported on 2 April 2014.
However, Mr Fode Mario Camara of Budd Guinea advises that no cases have occurred withint the ports of Conakry, Kamsar and Konta themselves.
In the country as a whole, the death toll seems to have peaked at around 83 in recent days and there is some hope that the epidemic may be about to decline.
Suspected incidents of Ebola infection have also occured in Liberia, Mali and Sierra Leone although in some cases, the patients were from Guinea.
As reported previously, there is no known cure or vaccination for the Ebola virus but the World Health Organisation points out that with correct hydration, nutrition and medication, mortality rates can be improved. At present, 37% of infected patients have survived.
The Government has reinforced its campaign for prevention advising the local population to disinfect their hands before eating and avoid physcial contact such as hand shakes. Most offices have been equiped with disinfectant distributors.
Our local office is not aware of any restrictions on maritime traffic.
As always, someone somewhere always finds a way turn a tragedy to their advantage and the Ebola epidemic is no exception. It seems that for some feigning sickness is an effective way of avoiding queuing or paying your taxi fare!
In the meantime, it can only be hoped that the disease is indeed on the decline.