

Budd Group: Pioneers of P&I

We were very touched when @Neil Watson at NorthStandard shared with us the following extract from the Standard Club’s first ever printed list of Correspondents which...

France: Dockers Suspend Strikes Due to Dissolution of Parliament

Following our previous post “French Port Workers Ramp Up Strikes Over Pension Reforms and Working Conditions », the CGT dockers’ union has suspended its strikes against the pension reform until the end of September 2024.  This decision, made on Wednesday, June 12th by the National Federation of Ports and Docks CGT, comes after the dissolution of the National Assembly by President Emmanuel Macron.

Since parliament’s dissolution, the CGT no longer have any government representative with whom they can negotiate. They therefore considered that strike action would be ineffective for the time being. However, the union has emphasized its commitment to the cause by filing a 48-hour strike notice for September 26th and 27th. This future strike will involve halting port operations and is intended to remind the future government of the CGT’s demands.

Throughout France, the suspension of the strike will provide a welcome respite allowing ports to operate fully this summer.

Information provided by Budd Marseille-Fos office (covering the Mediterranean Coast) and Budd Le Havre (covering the Channel & Atlantic Coast).

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