

Happy Year of the Snake

With our very best wishes to all our Colleagues and Clients who are celebrating the Lunar New Year.

IMB Publishes Report on Piracy in West Africa

As long-established Club Correspondents in West Africa, we were particularly interested to read the International Maritime Bureau’s July Piracy Report (see link below).


For vessel’s sailing in Togolese waters, we would draw your attention to the recommendations provided by Ocean and Land Security (OLS) in our 21/02/13 news bulletin.

OLS is a private company which has a special contract with the Togolese Armed Forces by virture of which it is able to provide an elite mixed brigade of four armed guards, including personnel from the Navy, Police, and Gendarmerie (Military Police) to vessels. 

OLS complies with the BIMCO Guardcon Guidelines and Contract for the Employment of Security Guards on board vessels, providing at least one guard who speaks English and acting in accordance with the Guardcon Rules for Use of Force (RUF) as established by the BIMCO sub-committee and approved by most P&I Clubs (see IMO Circulars 1405 and 1406). 

Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact James Budd (

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