

West Africa – It’s raining (hard) again

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New Phone Numbers for Budd in Abidjan and San Pedro

On 1 February 2021, the Ivory Coast’s telecommunications companies added two digits to the previous 8-digit mobile and landline numbers.

We understand from Budd Ivory Coast that while the new system was being set up yesterday, connections were less good than usual.  However, these difficulties now seem to have been resolved.

As a result of the change, the new coordinates of our Abidjan and San Pedro offices are as follows:

BUDD Côte d’Ivoire – Abidjan
01 BP 4553
Abidjan 01
Tel. : +225 27 21 24 34 60/+225 27 21 24 34 62
Fax : +225 27 21 24 03 71

Manager / Mr Michel Bebga
Tel : +225 27 21 35 84 60
Mobile : +225 07 07 62 09 88

Operations Manager & Lawyer / Mr Kouame N’da N’guessan
Tel A.O.H. : +225 05 04 70 63 10
Tel : +225 27 21 24 34 60
Mobile : +225 05 04 70 63 10

Assistant/Surveyor / Mr Valentin Assouan
Tel A.O.H. : +225 27 24 39 08 74
Mobile : +225 05 05 98 36 00

Claims Assistant / Mr Kra Koffi
Tel A.O.H. : +225 05 05 06 26 02
Tel : +225 27 21 24 34 60
Mobile : +225 05 05 06 26 02

Budd Cote d’Ivoire – San Pedro
Immeuble M’Bouke
Face Cathédrale
01 BP 285 San Pedro
Fax : +225 27 34 71 08 31;;

Manager / Mr Michel Bebga
Tel : +225 27 21 35 84 60
Mobile : +225 07 07 62 09 88

PIC / Mr Patrice Kouame Yao
Tel : +225 27 46 31 39 39
Mobile : +225 05 05 52 26 71

In a country where there is ever-increasing demand for mobile services, the change to ten (10) figures has been made in order to cope with the saturation of mobile services and ensure the availability of new numbers. The theoretical maximum capacity of the ten-digit numbering plan is ten (10) billion numbers for all telecommunication services.

Information provided by

Budd Ivory Coast (

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