

Happy Year of the Snake

With our very best wishes to all our Colleagues and Clients who are celebrating the Lunar New Year.

New Stowaway Measures in Abidjan

As you may be aware, in a French language circular (Abidjan stowaway circ.pdf) signed by the Managing Director of the Port of Abidjan, local ship agents have been advised that as of 1 May 2016, two new anti-stowaway measures apply: 

  • Before entering the port, all vessels arriving from Tema (Ghana) must present Abidjan’s Harbour Master with a stowaway search certificate duly signed and stamped by Tema’s Harbour Master; 
  • For each and every stowaway disembarked in Abidjan, no matter their boarding port, a fine in the amount of CFA Francs 2 million (Euros 3,049.00) per stowaway will be payable to the Port of Abidjan.  The sum is to be paid by cheque.

Budd’s Abidjan office is approaching the port authority for additional information.

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