

West Africa – It’s raining (hard) again

Many of our colleagues in Budd's West African offices report that the rainy season has hit hard this year, resulting in: stoppages in cargo operations power and...

Senegal: Violence on Streets

Despite the release from arrest of Ousmane Sonko, Senegal’s opposition leader who is facing charges of rape, there are fears that the violent demonstrations which started last Wednesday (3 March 2021) will continue.

Many banks and petrol stations are closed, and a lack of public transport has meant that many people have been unable to reach their places of work.  This may well have a knock-on effect which will result in delays in the port of Dakar.

Our colleagues in Dakar are working from home and in today’s uneasy climate, it is advisable to avoid all but essential car journeys as demonstrations and acts of vandalism continue to take place.

In the previous days’ riots, cars and shops were burnt out and four deaths have been reported.

Information provided by Samba Fall (, mobile +221 77 636 55 58)



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