

Happy New Year !

With our best wishes to our friends, clients and colleagues for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. [video width="1080" height="1080"...

Vessels from Ebola-Infected Countries Banned from Port of Abidjan

Budd Ivory Coast has just received a circular issued by the Abidjan Port Authority on 12 August 2014 advising that as of 10 August 2014, all vessels arriving from a country affected by the Ebola virus were forbidden to enter the port of Abidjan.
This measure is effective until further notice. 

The circular goes on to state that all vessels, no matter where they have come from, are under the obligation to inform the port authority if any person on board has Ebola-type symptoms.  The port authority will then decide whether the vessel can be allowed into the port.

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